Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, February 3, 2011

One week from today!

Time is going fast now.  It was dragging on fairly slowly but as our wait draws to an end the time is quickly getting filled with things to do.  The packing is going well.  Seven suitcases packed so far but hardly any clothes included.  I was a bit worried until yesterday.  I was chatting with another adoptive mom that just returned from Addis and she mentioned how hard it was to pack.  They were only allowed 4 suitcases with two traveling and 3 1/2 of the 4 were jammed with baby gear!  She said they basically went with the clothes on their backs!  LOL!  Okay, we aren't that bad... We are allowed quite a bit more with 5 of us traveling which certainly helps but honestly I feel bad for the people picking us up at the airport in Ethiopia.  5 people, 10 suitcases  & 5 carry-on bags... yikes.  I actually just e-mailed the guesthouse tonight to warn them.
Please pray for the court hearing- that we will pass on the 16th. What a day that would be!  To pass court and meet our sweet little baby for the first time. Guys, I can hardly contain myself.  It is so close!  PLEASE PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!!


  1. I go through so many emotions when I think of you and the next part of the journey that you are embarking on. I am picturing those first sights of Ethiopia- re-living the amazement of just seeing Ethiopia form the plane... And almost smelling it. I can't wait to see your daughter in your arms. To see you as a family of six. And to hear about the adventures our great God will lead your family through will in Ethiopia. You are going into the unknown, but you don't go alone. Blessings as you follow faithfully.

  2. So Glad to hear you have arrived safe and sound! Can't wait to hear more of the amazing stories you are going to share! Community Group was a success, and Mark talked a lot more then usual! Youth group was fun last night, but it wasn't quite the same without Gary and Wesley! Hope all is well and that they find your bags soon!

  3. this is from Emily
    sounds like a big adventure! can't wait to hear more about your trip!to bad for the people who carry your bags, how is it in Ethiopia? hoy?
