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Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Compassion Canada

PIck-up was at 9:00am. The drive to the compound was pretty uneventful.  Compassion Canada works with local churches to support about 85,000 children in Ethiopia. That number is just staggering.  We pull up to the gate and the driver beeps. This is normal here. It lets the people know that someone is there. They open the gate and we drive in. They introduce the staff for Compassion and we sit in a tiny room and wait. Then all of a sudden, Meron, our sweet tiny sponsor child comes in to greet us. She is very small for 8 years old. We
recognized her right away from her photos. I see a woman standing outside the door. I ask who she is... She is Meron’s mother along with her two younger brothers. They are 4 and 10 months. What sweet little children. Right away I felt a connection with her mother. We arranged to visit her home but before we went we knew we wanted to purchase some items for the family to help out. Our guide and Meron’s worker
came with us to assist in our purchases. For under $100 CAN we were able to bless this family greatly by the grace of God. Many spices, teff flour to make ingera, lentils, soap, oil, bathing items and so on. This was enough for at least 2-3 months. The mother was overjoyed. We made sure to tell her that it is not us who blesses, but God through us. She was so thankful. She served us coffee (some of the best in Ethiopia BTW) and some fresh popped popcorn. This is customary for an Ethiopian coffee ceremony. She very kindly gave us some pictures as a gift of Meron’s kindergarten graduation and a family photo. She also made sure to show us a collection of photos that we have sent to Meron over the years . The stuff we do send really makes it here! Her home was only about 6’ x 14’. This consisted of a bed which the mother shared with three children and some floor space. There were no windows and in order to access the home you had to walk through a lounge type area. The outdoor area was about the same size as the home but it was shared with two other houses. Unbelievable! The home is a mud house with one light bulb and no windows. The rent per months is 15 Birr/ .90 cents. Yes .90 cents. Oh! How we complain. How unthankful we are! How we want this and that and never are satisfied with the Lord’s blessings! May I be more thankful. May I find reason to praise the Lord if I live in a shelter that size. What is wrong with me when I become discontent??? Shame on me...

 Lounge / Local bar that leads to Meron's house.
Our guide for the day ... a previous Compassion Canada child.

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